Fantasy Fleet Page
French Coast Defenses
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This page describes the coast artillery and other coastal defenses of the Republic of France

Mediterranian Defenses



Abidjan, West Africa

Ceyenne, French Guiana

New Caledonia

Crozet Island: 4x 305mm and 10x 138mm, from a Charlemagne class battleship

Saigon: 8x 305mm and 20x 194mm, from 2 Democratie class battleships

Haiphong: 4x 305mm and 8x 138mm, from the battleship Paris, being installed

Papeete, French Polynesia: 4x 305mm and 8x 138mm, from the battleship Paris, being installed, plus 8x 194mm, 16x 164mm, and 12x 100mm being installed at various Polynesian islands.

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