1st Battle Division, consisting of Petropavlovsk Class Battleships Sevastopol (F) and Poltava.
Petropavlovsk Class Battleships
1st Cruiser Squadron, consisting of 3x Admiral Makarov Class Armored Cruisers: Admiral Makarov, Bayan, Gromoboy
Admiral Makarov Class Armored Cruisers
2nd Cruiser Squadron, consisting of 3x Palladia Class Protected Cruisers: Diana, Aurora, and Bogatyr
Palladia Class Protected Cruiser
1st Destroyer Flotilla
1x Besstrashniy (Fearless) Class Flotilla Leader
12x Sibirskiy Strelok Class Destroyers
2nd Destroyer Flotilla
1x Besstrashniy (Fearless) Class Flotilla Leader
12x Parnu Class Destroyers
Besstrashniy Class Flotilla Leader
Sibirskiy Strelok Class Destroyer
Parnu class destroyers
1st and 2nd Corvette Flotillas, each consisting of 10x Tyulpan (Tulip) Class Corvettes.
Tyulpan class corvettes
1st Patrol Flotilla, consisting of 10 Levin class patrol boats.
Levin class Patrol Ships
1st and 2nd Anti-Submarine Flotillas, each consisting of 10 Kashin class submarine chasers.
Kashin class Submarine Chaser
1st Mine Warfare Flotilla, consisting of 12 Volkov class Mine Warfare Ships.
Volkov Class Mine Warfare Ship
1st through 3rd Submarine Fotillas, each consisting of:
10x Bezmolvniy (Soundless) Class Coast Defense Submarines.
Bezmolvniy Class Coast Defense Submarines
4th Submarine flotilla, consisting of 10x Kovarniy (Cunning) Class Fleet Submarines.
Kovarniy Class Fleet Submarine
1st through 5th Torpedo Boat Flotillas, each consisting of:
20x Mediniy (Brazen) Class Torpedo Boats
Mediniy Class Motor Torpedo Boat
2nd Landing Flotilla, consisting of 6x Krokodil class infantry landing ships
Krokodil class infantry landing ships
The Border Guards of the Petrograd Military District maintain 5 Belomore Class Port Icebreakers. While not part
of the Baltic Fleet, they are available to support its operations.
Belomore Class Port Icebreakers