Zorkiy Class Corvette, laid down 1904
Length, 64.0 m x Beam, 6.4 m x Depth, 2.6 m
451 tonnes normal displacement (417 tonnes standard)
Main battery: 2 x 7.5-cm
Light battery: 4 x 1.3-cm
Weight of broadside: 12 kg
2 TT, 45.0 cm
20 tons depth charges/mines
Hull unarmored
Battery armor:
Main, 2.5 cm shields
Maximum speed for 7177 indicated kw = 27.00 knots
Approximate cruising radius, 600 nm / 15 knots
Typical complement: 49-64
Estimated cost, $223,000 (£56,000)
Caution: Hull structure is subject to strain in open-sea
Caution: Magazines and engineering spaces are very cramped,
lack adequate watertight subdivision.
Caution: Delicate, lightwight machinery.
Ship has slow, easy roll; a good, steady gun platform.
Good seaboat; rides out heavy weather easily.
Cramped ship; poor crew accommodation, limited working space.
Distribution of weights:
Armament .........................
3 tonnes = 1 pct
Armor, total .....................
1 tonnes = 0 pct
1 tonnes = 0 pct
Machinery ........................ 277 tonnes
= 61 pct
Hull and fittings; equipment .....
104 tonnes = 23 pct
Fuel, ammunition, stores .........
45 tonnes = 10 pct
Miscellaneous weights ............
20 tonnes = 4 pct
451 tonnes = 100 pct
Estimated metacentric height, 0.2 m
Displacement summary:
Light ship:
406 tonnes
Standard displacement: 417 tonnes
Normal service:
451 tonnes
Full load:
476 tonnes
Loading submergence 231 tonnes/metre
Estimated overall survivability and seakeeping ability:
Relative margin of stability: 1.31
Shellfire needed to sink: 38 kg = 6.5 x 7.5-cm shells
(Approximates weight of penetrating
shell hits needed to sink ship,
counting critical hits)
Torpedoes needed to sink: 0.1
(Approximates number of 'typical'
torpedo hits needed to sink ship)
Relative steadiness as gun platform, 71 percent
(50 percent is 'average')
Relative rocking effect from firing to beam, 0.12
Relative quality as a seaboat: 1.22
Hull form characteristics:
Block coefficient: 0.42
Sharpness coefficient: 0.30
Hull speed coefficient 'M' = 8.36
'Natural speed' for length = 14.5 knots
Power going to wave formation
at top speed: 69 percent
Estimated hull characteristics and strength:
Relative underwater volume absorbed by
magazines and engineering spaces: 208 percent
Relative accommodation and working space: 82 percent
Displacement factor: 16 percent
(Displacement relative to loading factors)
Relative cross-sectional hull strength: 0.45
(Structure weight per square
of hull surface: 96 kg)
Relative longitudinal hull strength: 1.64
(for 3.35 m average freeboard;
adjustment +0.87 m)
Relative composite hull strength: 0.52
[Machine-readable parameters: Spring Style v. 1.2.1]
209.92 x 20.99 x 8.53; 10.99 -- Dimensions
0.42 -- Block coefficient
1904 -- Year laid down
27.00 / 600 /
15.00; Reciprocating -- Speed / radius / cruise
20 tons -- Miscellaneous weights
2 x 2.95; 0 -- Main
battery; turrets
Central positioning of guns
0 -- No secondary battery
0 -- No tertiary (QF/AA) battery
4 x 0.51 -- Fourth (light) battery
2 / 0 / 17.72 -- TT / submerged / size
0.00 -- No belt armor
0.00 / 0.00 -- Deck / CT
0.98 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0.00 -- Battery armor
(Note: For portability, values are stored in Anglo-American units)